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Updated Sony Vaio P Series touchpad received additional, GPS and accelerometer. Touchpad integrated into the frame of the screen to the left and right sides: the left functions as a mouse, right - as usual notebook touchpad. Deserves special attention accelerometer: not that he can turn the laptop into a vertical position to comfortably read text - and it provides another interesting thing. More images after the break...
When viewing web-pages the device responds to the slopes to the right and the left link to this page forward and back. In addition, the new Sony Vaio P will be equipped with more powerful processors, Intel Atom Z540 or Z560. Among other features: 2 GB DDR2 SDRAM, 64 GB SSD, graphics card Intel Graphics Media Accelerator 500, 802.11b/g/n Wi-Fi, Bluetooth 2.1, stereo speakers and microphone, camera Motion Eye, 2 USB-port. New items arrive on the market in 5 colors: orange, green, pink, black and white. You can buy any of them in June this year. Price updated Vaio P starts from $ 799. 


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